A Blogspot Renaissance?


8 years, 4 months and 14 days.

That was the number of days since I have last posted on this blog - a dedication for my classmates in 2D'09.

After a hiatus of close to a decade, it is timely for me to get the engine started for this blog again. Thanks to those who voted in the recent poll which I have put up - the results has been encouraging.

It has been a long time since I last updated it, and some posts made me cringed, especially looking at the language used. After all, those posts were written very, very long ago. Quite dated, but I have decided to leave them there, because I believe those posts are all but a checkpoint at a certain point of time in my life. Back to a decade ago, social media was still unheard of, Facebook was merely used for poke wars, mafia wars or the now-defunct pet society. Blogging was the platform to go to to get ourselves heard.

That was a point in time when I was interested in food, and shared my food reviews on this very place. Now, we have Instagram that can perfectly do the job for us with "insta-worthy" pictures. 

Now, it is time to move on.

I have decided to revamp this blog to make it a current-affairs centric one, with my two-cents worth of what's happening around us. Typically, I share my comments on FB, but now that I think of it, why not just share it on a blog, so it can be on record. Also, having long essays on FB all the time might be quite annoying to followers, so containing it on a blog might be useful.

Besides current-affairs centric, I'd like to share other thoughts as well, tapping onto certain things I have come across or something that I have chanced upon on social media, or some experiences I have encountered. Hopefully, you'd enjoy reading them and inspire you in one way or another.

This original blog, which was created in April 2007, was named supermakan.bs.com with the tagline "I eat, therefore I am", playfully adapting Descarte's famous quote. Back then it was meant for food review, hence the name. As I was revamping the blog, I decided to keep it as it is. It can be argued as such - instead of consuming food, we can altogether consume more news, in efforts to be more well-informed citizens of society. In this era of deliberate online falsehoods, it is more important than ever to be informed of what is going on, so one will not fall into the trap of clickbaits and fake news.

Please - go ahead and critique and pen your thoughts on the blog's comment box, or simply on FB. I'd like my blog posts to be an ongoing conversation with the people around me. On the contrary, it will be discouraging not to hear anything from anyone - it will be akin to talking to a wall. Feel free to let me know what are some topics you'd like me to talk about, as a source of inspiration for me!

I was still 14 when I last posted here. Now I'm 23.


RIOT said…
So... no more food posts?

Sean said…
WOLFF said…
The direct burden of costs to the people for infrastructure wxpansion (eg: proposed funding for Airport expansion and the new Public Transport fare model) would be food for thought... :0)
我妈妈爱吃卤肉饭 said…
Sometimes SG may not have enough saga for you to review, so why not review something that is not news-related?

I suggest reddit.com/changemyview, and attempt to change their views with the knowledge you have.

Have Fun!

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